Welcome to Christmas 2010!
Our Elves are back!
11/20/2010 Saturday morning, I took the kids to the Build and Grow workshop at Lowes. When we pulled in the driveway, Mackenzie saw our door:
She knew they were back. I barely got the car stopped before she jumped out. They even left the snow can beside the door.
Hannah, Abby, Lexi, Lacey and Cranberry with Rudolph.
We were a little disappointed that only 2 elves came to visit. We had asked Santa to send any that didn't have a home for the holidays. Then we found a note from "Bernard, the head elf"!!! He said the playroom was too messy for baby elves and that if we wanted more elves, we had to do some cleaning. I've never seen Mackenzie and Jesse clean a room so fast. Later that night, we went to buy our Christmas tree. We must have done a really good job cleaning, because when we got back home, there was a surprise waiting! There were trees in Mackenzie and Jesse's bedrooms and ornaments were everywhere. After looking around, we started finding elves all over the house!
Abigail was hiding in the freezer.
Piper was sitting with our other elves.
Simon was hiding in a tiny house.
Noelle was hiding in my tree.
Riley was hiding in a spice rack
Saturday night, the elves left a note in their new journal saying that they were sorry, but they were just too tired to do any mischeif. They must have played some during the night because they were scattered all over the bed.
11/21/2010 --Sunday evening, we went to Mimi's house so she could cut Jesse's hair. Guess what!!!! Santa had left an elf for Jesse! He's a boy with blond hair! His name is Noah.
Sunday night. We had our tree up and the lights on it, but only a few ornaments. The elves must have thought it looked bare because they were in the den trying to decorate the tree. Those naughty elves dumped over my whole box of decorations.
Piper and Abigail got tangled up in the candy garland.
Noelle and Lexi curled up in the tree skirt to take a nap.
Since Mackenzie had new elves and she wanted to show them to her friends Olivia and Haley, I told her she could take them one time. She didn't get ready in time to take them all, but she grabbed 3 elves and took them to school today and she was naughty herself. Her teacher saw them out at her work station and took them away! Mackenzie was lucky that her teacher gave them back!
New Rule-- No elves are allowed to go to school!!
11/22/10-- The elves were all on the couch and Jingle Bells was reading to them. Guess what he was reading!!! The Elf Magic story!
11/23/10 -- Mackenzie left a note asking the elves to hide in very hard to find places. Well they did! It took her almost an hour to find them all.
Lacey -- hiding behind the snowman
Abby -- curled up with a reindeer
Lexi-- hiding in a little house
Hannah -- hiding behind plants
Kimball -- hiding in the fiber optic tree
Simon -- hiding behind the blinds in the kitchen
Abigail -- hiding in the piano, good thing her hat was sticking out!
Noah -- hiding in the big box of night pull-ups in Jesse's room
Nicholas -- hiding in Mackenzie's closet
Riley -- hiding in the hamster tunnels
Piper -- hiding in my clothes hamper
Noelle -- Hiding in the Wii balance board box
11/24/10 -- The elves made snacks for everyone and used little mugs, shot glasses and little tiny bowls with their names on them. They had water and mini marshmallows and Fruity Pebbles. They really enjoyed the Fruity Pebbles because they liked all the different colors and the sounds of them crunching!
11/25/10 -- Those naughty elves drove Mackenzie and Jesse's big 4 wheelers into the den!!!
11/26/10 Mackenzie spent the night with Mimi and took Lexi and Hannah. They must have played games all night because they had Spill and Spell spilled all over the table and it spelled I love you. The elves were found in the china hutch in Mimi's pretty glass things. I'm sure glad they didn't break anything!!! I forgot to sprinkle snowflakes on the ones that stayed at home and they didn't do any mischief!
11/27/10 -- Mackenzie spent the night with Mimi again, but left all those naughty elves at home. I remembered to leave crackers and water for them and I sprinkled them with magic snowflakes! They got in Chia's cage and played with her for awhile. Then they let her out and I found her asleep in bed with Jesse.11/28/10 -- The elves almost ran out all of my ink in my printer. They printed out a bunch of coloring sheets and Christmas puzzles and games.
11/29/10 -- Mackenzie asked why she never saw where the elves fed their animals, so they left the bowls out where they fed them. The elves left an Elf-Magic CD with songs sung by the elves and a Rudolph coloring book for each of the kids.11/30/10 -- The elves sat up all night playing the Wii. They played a fun game called We Wish You a Merry Christmas. There's a game on there called Elf Bowling and that's the one that was on.
12/1/10 -- Let the Games Begin!!! It's December now and the elves really get into mischief. They got into the board games. We have several Christmas themed games and the elves spread games all over the den. They played a Peanuts game, Snoopy Uno, Chrismtas Yahtzee, The Nightmare Before Christmas trivia game, and an I Spy Christmas game.
12/2/10 -- The elves were tired of waiting on me to put up all the stockings so they hung them up. They also hung up a stocking for each one of them.
12/3/10 -- Marshmallow Fight!!! They had a huge marshmallow fight in the den. I guess that was the closest thing they had to snowballs. They also left two marshmallow guns. They are lots of fun, but if you get hit, it stings. We have cleaned up marshmallows all weekend! Chia and Lucky love marshmallows.
12/4/10 -- Bad, bad, bad little elves. They brought in a 7 foot tall inflatable and set it up in the den. It is a snowglobe with Rudolph, Santa, the abominable snowman and Hermie the elf under a tree. It filled up the whole den, but it didn't work too well. The elves tried to fix it, but I think it's time for it to go out to the garbage pile.
12/5/10 -- The elves decorated Mackenzie and Jesse's trees with........their underwear!! Jesse was so embarrased to see that! Jesse wanted his underwear "off the tree"!
12/6/10 --Those elves were in very good hiding places this morning!
Riley was hiding in a CocoBongos cup
Lacey was hiding in a poinsettia
Noelle was hiding in a little Christmas tree
Simon was napping in a lunch bag
Abigial, Piper and Abby were hiding in the freezer
Nicholas was playing with these reindeer
Lexi was in a candy dish
Hannah, Kimball and Noah were hiding in the Christmas tree
12/7/10 -- They got into all the Halloween candy that was left and they ate ALOT!!!! They all had tummy aches!
12/8/10 --The elves brought everyone new jammies for Christmas, a box of hot cocoa and 5 of their favorite movies to watch. Mark and I got new Snoopy sleep pants with a t-shirt to match, Mackenzie's are red with a monkey on the shirt and snowflakes on the pants and Jesse's are Mickey Mouse. They brought Santa Paws, The Legend of Santa Paws, The Polar Express, Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas and Elf.
12/10/10 -- the elves came back and brought some snow from the North Pole and some Holiday Marbles. You add water and they get really big. They were alot of fun to play with.
12/11/10 -- the elves were tired from their journey and didn't get up last night.
12/12/10 -- The elves decided that Mackenzie's room wasn't decorated just right, so they put peppermints all over her room. The peppermints remind them of the North Pole.
12/13/10 -- We couldn't find them when we woke up this morning, but after looking, we found them in the Christmas tree and hiding in the presents.
12/14/10 -- Mackenzie's great grandma, Bea, spent the night and the elves were afraid they would wake her up and scare her if they did any mischief, so they were good and slept all night.
12/15/10 -- After sleeping all night last night, the elves had an all night movie marathon. They brought a popcorn tin and watched movies all night. They were watching Elf when we woke up.
12/16/10 -- Oh they were naughty last night!! We found a plushee Elf on the Shelf all tied up. Our elves had swords after him. They are naughty elves. The shelf elf's name is Cole.
12/17/10 -- The elves must have felt bad after what they did last night, so they asked the Elf on the Shelf to go camping with them. They tried to roast marshmallows over the battery operated tea lights. They brought a tent with them from the North Pole.
12/18/10 -- What mean elves, they tricked the Elf on the shelf! They had him locked up in a pet carrier!
12/19/10 -- The elves must have gotten hungry during the night and they took my car to McDonalds. There was trash everywhere. The elves said "it was too cold" for them to clean it up!
12/20/10 -- The elves brought 8 new reindeer with them. They put the reindeer in the hamster play pen so they wouldn't get loose. There was reindeer "poo" everywhere and lots of food dishes and marshmallows.
12/21/10 -- The elves wrote "Elf Magic" in Fruit Loops on the kitchen counter. The were in the pen with the reindeer when we woke up. They also went to the Christmas parade with us.
12/22/10 -- The elves know how much Mackenzie loves Scooby, so when she woke up, they had the big 4 foot inflatable Scooby sitting by the bed staring at her.
12/23/10 -- They used about 7 rolls of toilet paper to roll everyones bedrooms. Jesse was very upset that Santa might see his room "a mess" and we had to clean it up right away. In Jesse's room, they had tied Dino the dinosaur up where he couldn't move. In Mackenzie's room, they tied up the Shelf Elf.
12/28/10 -- Mackenzie had a couple of friends over. Hailee came over, but her elf wasn't with her. Olivia and her elves Jill and Joy and their little bear friend, spent the night. Our first Elf Sleepover!
The elves wrote with White Board markers all over Mackenzie's mirror. Each one wrote their name.
Olivia, Joy and Jill
Our elves stay with us through the end of our break. They return to the North Pole right
before school starts back. Mackenzie left a note asking them to do mischief one more time and they left this on the counter for her and it was written in Skittles:
before school starts back. Mackenzie left a note asking them to do mischief one more time and they left this on the counter for her and it was written in Skittles:
What a great time we had with our elves!!! Can't wait to see them again next year!!!
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