January -- The elves helped take down the Christmas decorations.....well, they didn't exactly help......
all tangled up in my "candy garland"! naughty little elves!
February -- Elves visit the Mouse! Their first trip to Disney World! Mackenzie found them hiding in the cup holder in the truck! The trip was Mackenzie's 8th birthday present. She also got a trip to Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique.
Our family photo at the Castle!!
Sitting on the porch at our resort -- Old Key West Resort.
Look closely and you can see them hiding. Hannah is sitting on Pooh's arm and Lexi is hiding in the hunny pot. "Blankie, Bunny and Seal" are hiding around Tigger and Piglet.
It snowed one Friday afternoon and the next morning the kids went to play in it. The elves had a sleigh made out of Jesse's tool box and they slid down the sliding board. They loved the snow! It made them feel like they were at the North Pole!

March -- The elves visit on St Patrick's Day. They brought Lucky Charms cereal, green swords to eat it with and tiny green cups to drink out of. They left green cards and St Patty's stickers. Lexi was sitting in a bowl covered up with Lucky Charms and Hannah was hiding in the top of the box. They had little green hats made out of felt.
Even Chi-Chi had on Green. He gets along great with the elves.
We went to Riverbanks Zoo and Mackenzie, Jesse and Lexi had their picture taken. Lexi is in the blue flower.
We went to Isle of Palms with my brother Sloan, his wife Regina and their daughter Savanna. The day we left, there was alot of wind and rain. The elves loved the beach, but the wind scared them a little, they were afraid they would blow away and be taken out to sea!!
Spring Break -- Me, Mackenzie and Lexi went to MagiQuest in Myrtle Beach!
When we went to see the Easter Bunny at the mall, Mackenzie was upset because Hannah didn't come to go with her, but when we got to the mall and took Jesse's stroller out of the truck, Hannah was in the stroller. We sure can't figure out how she got there!!! Jesse wasn't too happy with the Easter Bunny!!
Hannah Elf was hiding in the Easter basket that the Easter Bunny left. She was wearing her Snowflake Princess dress with a pretty yellow bow for Easter.
Mackenzie had Awana Awards night at church. She won a plaque for finishing all 3 Sparkies books and she won every jewel and patch that was available to Sparkies. The elves were very proud of her! So were mom and dad!!
May --
Back in March, Jesse fell in our pool one afternoon. Mackenzie was outside with him and she saw it happen, but she couldn't stop him. She knew we couldn't get to him in time, so she jumped in and kept going under until she found him. She was able to pull him to the side and saved his life. She was awarded the Lifesaver Award by the Woodmen of the World at a banquet on May 13, 2010. Here is a picture of Lexi and her award. The caption on the award describes Mackenzie perfectly! It says "Heroes are people who rise to the occasion and quietly slip away". She is Jesse's Hero!
Hannah came to see me for Mothers Day and brought me an Elf. Her name is Abby.
Lexi attended the "walking celebration" at Mackenzie's school.
Back in March, Jesse fell in our pool one afternoon. Mackenzie was outside with him and she saw it happen, but she couldn't stop him. She knew we couldn't get to him in time, so she jumped in and kept going under until she found him. She was able to pull him to the side and saved his life. She was awarded the Lifesaver Award by the Woodmen of the World at a banquet on May 13, 2010. Here is a picture of Lexi and her award. The caption on the award describes Mackenzie perfectly! It says "Heroes are people who rise to the occasion and quietly slip away". She is Jesse's Hero!
Hannah came to see me for Mothers Day and brought me an Elf. Her name is Abby.
Lexi attended the "walking celebration" at Mackenzie's school.
Our new little niece, Kaylee, is not much bigger than Lexi. She weighs less than 5 pounds here, but she is healthy and has a healthy set of lungs!!!
June -- The elves were hiding in a grocery bag to visit for Father's Day. Here is Mark and all the little ones.
We went on another field trip to Charlestowne Landing and we stopped by the big ships at Patriots Point. Here's Lexi posing in front of the ship.
We went on vacation to the mountains -- Cherokee and Maggie Valley NC and Gatlingburg and Pigeon Forge in TN. We visited Santa's Land in Cherokee and when we went to talk to Santa Claus, the elves were sitting on his chair with him. They were working with him but he allowed them to spend the rest of our vacation with us. The elves went mining, go kart riding, and saw lots of pretty mountains. Lexi had pictures taken in front of Looking Glass Falls in NC.
All the elves wanted to have their pictures taken with the Reindeer at Deer Farm petting zoo in Sevierville TN.
August --
August 9 -- Sad news -- Rascal is gone to play over the Rainbow Bridge. There are some pictures of him at the bottom of the page. We'll always love you Pup!
Jesse found the elves in a big bag hiding with a gift they had brought him. They stayed for his Toy Story birthday party. We always do a family picture on birthdays and the elves were in this one. Jesse got a new remote control 4 wheeler and Lexi enjoyed going for a ride!! Happy 3rd Birthday Jesse!
August 9 -- Sad news -- Rascal is gone to play over the Rainbow Bridge. There are some pictures of him at the bottom of the page. We'll always love you Pup!
Jesse found the elves in a big bag hiding with a gift they had brought him. They stayed for his Toy Story birthday party. We always do a family picture on birthdays and the elves were in this one. Jesse got a new remote control 4 wheeler and Lexi enjoyed going for a ride!! Happy 3rd Birthday Jesse!
Before they went back, Mimi pierced their ears! Lexi's are silver, Hannah's are red and Abby's are green. They thought their new earrings were so pretty!!! She also made Lexi a pretty skirt out of some ribbon she had.
They brought Mackenzie a new outfit for the first day of school because I had been too busy to go shopping. All dressed up for the first day of school!
They also showed up in my backpack for my birthday with a magazine I wanted and an Elf Magic magnet for me.
All the cousins at Mimi's house -- Savanna (2), Mackenzie (8), Kaylee (3 months), Jesse (3), Hannah, Lexi and Abby.
September --The elves are extremely busy and they emailed us to say they may not get to visit this month. We miss them, but we hope they get their work done so they can come back for Christmas! Elf Magic Rules! Elf Magic Elves are the best!!!
Check out our favorite website -- http://www.elf-magic.com/.
The kids went to the Kids Build and Grow workshop at Lowe's on Saturday and built a firetruck. The big firetrucks were there and they love getting in the firetrucks. Lexi of course was right there with them.
Well, tomorrow is the last day of September and we haven't seen the elves in a month! We miss you girls!!! Come when you can!!
October -- We had a birthday party for Lexi. Jesse, orange and black cupcakes and a light blue shirt ------- doesn't mix well, that poor shirt didn't come clean! LOL

Lexi wanted to sit on a tractor. Jesse did too, but he didn't get to.
Excited over the Christmas display.
Mackenzie got flashing glasses and Jesse got a sword. They looked cool in the dark on the way home!
She is checking Lexi out! She isn't much bigger than the elf! Hope she doesn't eat any elves this year!!!
More coming soon! Hopefully the elves will come to trick or treat with us. Wonder what they'll be for Halloween? What will Mackenzie and Jesse dress up as? What will I dress up as? Check back in November to find out!
Hmmm......we have a little snippet of news that has us puzzled! Hannah emailed Mackenzie and said that Abby has a twin brother! Wonder where he is? Does he have another family? Will he visit this year? Can't wait to find out!
They're back!!! The elves were at our house this morning with little gifts for everyone!
Lexi was dressed as a ghost, Hannah was a pumpkin and Abby was a witch. I made Abby's costume and Lexi's and left them out for them. Hannah's came from Elf-Magic.com. They brought mini beanies for the kids and glow-in-the-dark Pez dispensers. I got a tiny beanie pumpkin and Dad got some Reese's pumpkins. Happy Halloween!!!
The Fair was in town and we went one night. The kids love the rides, the lights and the games. I love the petting zoo and the animals and.....THE FUNNEL CAKES!!! yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lexi wanted to sit on a tractor. Jesse did too, but he didn't get to.
Excited over the Christmas display.
Mackenzie and Lexi in a dragon.
Lexi as we were leaving the fair.
Oct 16, 2010 -- Our 17th anniversary --My anniversary present!
Elf Chia "Chia"
9/02/10-- birthday
10/15/10 -- adopted by us
10/16/10 -- already spoiled by us!
More coming soon! Hopefully the elves will come to trick or treat with us. Wonder what they'll be for Halloween? What will Mackenzie and Jesse dress up as? What will I dress up as? Check back in November to find out!
Hmmm......we have a little snippet of news that has us puzzled! Hannah emailed Mackenzie and said that Abby has a twin brother! Wonder where he is? Does he have another family? Will he visit this year? Can't wait to find out!
They're back!!! The elves were at our house this morning with little gifts for everyone!
Lexi was dressed as a ghost, Hannah was a pumpkin and Abby was a witch. I made Abby's costume and Lexi's and left them out for them. Hannah's came from Elf-Magic.com. They brought mini beanies for the kids and glow-in-the-dark Pez dispensers. I got a tiny beanie pumpkin and Dad got some Reese's pumpkins. Happy Halloween!!!
Trick or Treat for us came early!
They played with my Halloween beads and left their clothes in the floor where they changed! Just like the kids!
Halloween 2010
Jesse dressed up as Woody from Toy Story. The elves haven't seen that yet at the North Pole, but they hope to be able to see it while they're visiting for Christmas.
Mackenzie was a Gothic Vampire Girl. She was pretty.This is Chia. She likes the elves.....they aren't sure if this is a good thing though. She grabs them and runs fast! She had her nails painted pink for Halloween.
We got to ride on the golf cart and go to houses to get candy. What fun!
Mom wore an ELF hat!!! How cool is that?!?!?! Chia was so cold so she curled up in a towel!
Relaxing after a busy night of trick or treating! Hope we don't get a tummy ache from all the candy!
Mackenzie and Jesse camped out in her room one night. The elves thought it was fun to sleep in the sleeping bags on the floor! They watched a movie before they fell asleep.11/2/2010 -- Halloween is also Abby's birthday. We didn't really have a birthday party, but we went and spent the day at the beach to celebrate.
Jesse, Mackenzie, Rudolph, Hannah, Abby, and Lexi. Rudolph was made at Build a Bear at Broadway at the Beach.It was chilly on the strand. We took a blanket and had a picnic on the beach. We were about the only ones there.
Mackenzie started throwing french fries to the seagulls and they started attacking us. We had to hide the elves because I was afraid the gulls would grab one and fly away!
Note from the elves:
Well, Halloween with our family was a blast! It's time to go back and finish up our work at the North Pole. Only 4 weeks until Thanksgiving and then we'll be able to visit again! We can't wait! Hope they're ready for us!! We have lots of mischief planned and lots of surprises!
11/12/2010 -- We went to Creative Kids toy store in Columbia! What a cool store! They had Elf-Magic elves living there for the holidays and they sell travel tickets for the Magic elves. We adopted a pocket elf named Lacey. She's cute and has short black hair. Wish we could've adopted all the elves! They even had a big elf (the 36" elf) visiting there! I wanted that one! They had quilts and clothes and I did get a new Elf Magic book and DVD. Great story! It tells the story of the elves and Santa and even tells about Baby Jesus.
Miscellaneous pics

The elves went to work with me one day!
Keep on! I'll bite you or the elves, it makes no difference to me! but somebody's gonna get bit!!
Rascal (a.k.a. Chi-Chi) July 28, 1994 - August 9, 2010
RIP little pup! We love and miss you!
Enjoy running and playing on the Rainbow Bridge!
Lexi was hoping for some of Mimi's yummy punch, but the bowl was empty!
Mackenzie and Lexi -- dressed as Fancy Nancy for a "Favorite Character" day at school.